// The Hunt


Session 1

"If you were to die tonight
Would you be okay With what you did today?"
Asked this strange man wearing a red robe
And a witty smile.
Being off guard, it took me a little while
To process this scene,
To see what this question might mean.
"err, yes I guess."
I confessed
"are you certain?
I feel like there's more behind the curtain."
"Yes, I'm certain. And also in hurry.
That's not for you to worry.
I have somewhere to get to.
Apparently in contrast to you.
Have a good day, bye."
In order to continue my stride
I pushed him aside.
A little harder than intended
For the man fell to the ground.
Thus our encounter ended
Before it could get profound.
He didn't protest
And I didn't turn around.
just went ahead - destination bound
Anyway, the man didn't scream
Didn't shout, none
So I assume no damage was done.
Hence, I can easily forget
That strange man I just met.
By the time I arrived at my job
I had my mind occupied with a lot
But not the encounter.
Which was good
For right when I was about to sit down at my desk
My boss approached
Announcing his mood was not at best
"here's what I think."
He said smiling
"the project you've been working on
For the last 13 months
Can from now on be neglected.
For our analysts detected
It won't fit the market.
Thank god, you only just started.
Why don't you get going
And start something new.
At least that's what you should be wanting to.
How about we meet again in three hours?
And you tell me anew
what you're going do
with your freshly freed powers."
Those were his last words.
He left the room
Left me. Unheard.
Soon, I started to ponder
Felt empty and began to wonder
My professional me just fell asunder
Was turned into a mess.
This project was my life
And now I ought
To come up with something fresh
Within the rolls of a dice.
Is this what I want to work for?
Surrendering my workforce
Contributing to the worthless purpose
Of some corporate ideal
That does neither think nor feel?
Whose sole goal is
Fostering pecuniary motives.
While the value my work produces
Is foremost and first elusive.
Maybe he wasn't all that stupid
That bald stranger
and his accusive intrusion.
Would I really be okay,
Should I be okay
With what I did today?
I thought,
Suddenly afraid.
This question: simple yet mature
Made me feel insecure
About so many of my choices.
Amazing how among all the noises
That stranger's voice is
the one that shatters my bedrock.
Hours after he was gone.
In fact, now I wonder what he had done
If I answered 'no'.
That I would not be okay
With what I did today.
Not at all.
That at its core
All I work for
is but my pay.
Day by Day
Year by year.
How blind have I been?
Why had I not seen
That I'm building someone else's dream.
Someone else's.
Instead of mine
Luckily, there is still time.
"Knock knock" Said my boss
" are you ready?"
He said too.
"to pitch your next breakthrough?"
"Yes", I lied.
"go ahead, the big room is it?
I'll catch up with you in a minute.
There's still one last thing I have to check.
I'll be right back."
That being said.
I left my office
My boss didn't protest,
So I didn't turn around.
Just went ahead - destination bound.

Session 2

I needed to get out
Out of the house
To find my true drive
Needed to enter a new life.
"where's he,
Where's that man?
He'll know the way.
He'll know how I can find the change
I desire today."
I ran down the street
The same street I hurried down this morning
Equally paced,
Equally hasting.
And yet everything was different indeed.
Hopes high and spirit dawning
Not chased
But chasing.
"it shoud be here,
Shouldn't it?
This should be the place."
The man though seemed nowhere near
"what if",
I thought afraid
"what if he was gone,
Or worse, never real?"
The residents, the pedestrians!!
"hello, have you seen this man?"
I started describing him as best as I can.
"he is short
And looks quite old.
He seems Asian of some sort
And wears a weird red robe."
"no, sorry, I haven't seen him."
"What? Who?"
Nobody knew.
Not even those always around.
Not the beggars, not the shop owners.
The man was not to be found.
Slowly I began to worry
"should this be the end of my story?"
"oh hello,
Do you have a dollar
For a homeless man?
Alright then."
Asked a weathered beggar,
Sitting on his blanket of some crimson shade
Half dozing half awake
As I was strolling past him.
"you live here. Have you seen this man?"
"well, why are you looking for him?"
Asked the beggar as he unfroze
And tore me out of my
Short self-pittying episode.
"why? He disrupted my life.
He wanted to know
If I were okay
With what I did today,
If I were to die
"oh wow,
What a difficult question.
That's really one to give your life a new direction.
Do you know the answer yet?"
Asked the beggar,
Having me turn red.
"No, thats the issue.
After all I've been through
I know but one thing:
My life needs a different ring."
The beggar took some time.
"I wish I had your answer.
For sure I couldn't find mine.
As you can see,
I got lost,
Looking for my happy spree,
My very own sunshine,
My star behind all the dust.
You need to understand
I was just like you once.
Right at that point
Frustrated and annoyed
By the life I held in hands,
How I spent my months.
So, I quit my job
Donated all I'd got,
That's right.
Hoping that this was it,
Now I'm free
I could do whatever I want
Whatever whatever means.
Just like you
Full of energy,
I wondered 'what is it that I want to do?'
I like to write,
So I wrote.
I liked to bike,
So I rode.
I met many people,
Some inspiring, some funny,
Some tiring, some grumpy.
When I didn't like what I wrote,
I moved on.
When I didn't like where I biked,
I moved on.
When I didn't like the people I met on the road,
I moved on.
I started to think
'theres got to be more.
There's got to be more.'
And slowly without noticing
My passion turned into a chore.
At that point I started to wonder
Do I still want to find my passion any longer?
The price was so high
And the return so so uncertain
Most of the time I felt tied
Sometimes even hurting.
Finally I took the energy to decide
This hunt. It's just not worth it...
That's now twenty years ago.
Ever since I've been living in this flow
No ups, no downs,
No smiles, no frowns.
To be honest,
I grew too weak
To continue my seek.
It seemed easier to me
To skip the magic stuff's enticing
When in return the day is sufficing
That doesn't come around surprising.
Skip the happiness,
I figured, I understood,
Skip the uneasy stress
Commanding there's got to be more
under the hood.
Sure, I had good moments too.
But none good enough
To outweigh what I went through.
Now, for 20 years
I've seen nothing new.
Nothing good, but also no fears,
No plight, no dispair.
Monotony for happiness and tears -
To me that seems fair...
I realize, this is probably not
What you came to hear.
But it's better to stop
Before you get hurt for real."
He said
Smiling witty for a moment
Before he went back to doze and
Ask each and every stroller:
"do you have a dollar?
For a homeless man?
Alright then."

Session 3

And so the beggar left me
Half awake, half dozing
Staring blankly.
Sitting on his blanket
Of a reminiscent reddish hue.
Leaving me without a clue
Asking frankly,
Could he be right? Is it true?
Would I be better off
Not looking
For what he called magic stuff?
Barked a dog emerging from the left
Only seconds before he jumped my leg
Had me swerving
Then falling into a pile of garbage bags.
This fall, it had
No Style, No grace.
Yet the dog stood there,
Right in his place.
Looking at me
more supportive than I could bear
Given my fresh loss of dignity.
He watched me,
Watched me,
Watched just me.
Happy as only a dog can be.
As I stumbled out of my callous bed
That dirty pile of garbage bags
The dog danced in sheer excitement.
With my right hand
I picked some banana skin
Off my hair, threw it in a bin.
Acknowledged my terrible smell.
'should I send the dog to hell?'
But he looked so cute.
With that dark curly hair,
That soft soft snoot,
-i... I just didn't dare.
Despite - or perhaps because -
Of my new scent reeking like a puddle of sewage
The dog approached and cuddled right into it.
I caressed his furr
Noticed his collar
Was colored in red and leathered
Carrying a tag, looking weathered.
showing a length of illegible letters.
This dog with no name
Seemed like one in so many
Straying dogs that are all the same
Though to me
he was quite the contrary.
To me, he was a beacon of light.
Should I keep him by my side?
But before I could decide
He ran off into the night.
Having me act more on a reflex
Than apt reflection
Following up in his direction.
only just seeing him vanish around the corner
I managed to follow him to this city's border
But our journey was not straight.
We took detour after detour,
Ran in circle after circle.
Again and again we passed that famous gate.
Again and again the dog barked at its ornamenting knights.
Another left,
another right,
another right.
Here we were again barking at the gate
With its ornamenting knights.
As we passed it for the fifth time
The dog longed for something new
And sped right through
Arriving at the gates other side.
Discovering an unseen world of wonders
"at least for the dog", I pondered
"everything just seemed so nice.
I mean, why not,
we've only been here twice."
He never got bored despite
- Or perhaps because -
We never quite
Left this city's lights.
Still The dog would find
Something new and exciting
Something old and delighting.
He led such a wonderful balance
Sometimes pleasuring memories,
Entertaining his talents.
Sometimes endeavouring discoveries,
Risking a dead end.
Was there no way forth,
He just went back,
Knowing there was something left to adore.
Once he was bored and acquainted,
He ventured off to explore the unrated.
Just like we did now.
side by side marching
Up a hill I'd never seen.
Me thinking, him barking,
Constituting this unexpected team.
As we got nearer to the clouds
I got clearer in my thoughts.
As we got to the top of the hill
I looked back down at my past
Despite - or perhaps because -
Knowing it was the very same still
It now appeared attractive and vast.
All because
the Stranger, my boss,
The beggar, the dog
Had managed to change my perspective at last.

whaddaya think?

gimme more like dis

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