// The Man and the Bread


wake up !!

“ Wake up! WAKE UP!!
I said wake up!! “
“ What the fuck?! “
It took me some time to get back to real life
And realize that I was being screamed at.
But as soon as I had seen that
There was no way back to the land of my dreams.
The place where everythings works
There place where no-one screams.
“ WAKE UP! “
“ Who, what, how. Did I oversleep? “
“ No, you dumb geek.
You need to wake up
Because I want to break up.
With you, that is. “
“ Well. Then that makes me kind of sad-ish.
Are you sure? “
“ Yes, this relationship i can no longer endure.
I have never loved you anyway.
And I only stayed because you would pay
For the rent and everything else I say.
So, I will leave now, goodbye.
Have a nice rest of you life.
Goodbye. “
Having said that twice.
She left the room, left the house.
Left me  - with all my doubts.
This sure is not nice.
Why couldn’t she wait,
At least until I was sufficiently awake
And able to face my fate?
Well fuck. That sucks.
After all, I did like her.
Thinking about her made all my days brighter.
Made them easy.
Made even plight…pleasing.
And now she's gone ?
Did she mention a reason?
No, she didn’t give none.
At least none I can believe in.
She did not make her case,
Claiming this relationship has no base.
And as all good lawyers know
You cannot make a go
At anything 
Without a little hint
to the fine print below.
The fine print here being
The reason why she's leaving.
I mean now I dont really want her back
But its just that
This doesnt seem fair.
She dealt with me like I was just thin air,
Didn't give me a chance to reply,
Didn't accuse me of something I then could deny.
She pretty much just announced our end
And then right out of the door she went.
Again, this is not fair.
She should have broken up with a little more care.
I deserve a propper breakup
One, which doesn’t occur right after I wake up.
So, for her it's too bad
Now, I cannot let her get away with that.
I think I can already think of something in my head.
Unfortunately, however, that something requires that
I first need to get out of bed.

them by-laws

Gosh. Am I looking forward to retirement
I will never be tired and
Still stay in bed.
Because why not?
By then time will be all I got.
No job, no responsibility.
No rush, no one hitting me
When I don’t get out if bed
Gosh, what could be better than that?
But I am losing my thread.
Lets get back
To the woman who left me
Right out of the blue.
To the woman who
Might have no clue,
What I am up to.
To the woman who claims
our relationship has no base.
Let's get back to the women who
Obviously doesn’t know that I hold
this relationship's base directly in my paws?
Doesn't she know that wherever I go
I always formulate by-laws?
And here in the by-laws to our relationship you can read
Under point 10b:
If he or she who leaves
Cannot/does not/will not present credible cause
As per why to end, suspend, or pause
The relationship between me him, her and/or it,
Then, yes then, he or she who leaves,
May be treated as is pleased.
And now that I read this
I see it actually sounds quite mean.
But I can assure you however
That I have no intent whatsoever
In having someone kill her.
I will just give her a little thriller.
I want her to feel the exact same way I had to
I want her to suffer the same misery I went through
Or which I should have gone through rather
Because in all honesty so far I was too tired to bother.
But some day I will
Realize that I love her still.
And then I will miss her
Feel terrible because I can't kiss her
Feel like a blister
Something you just want to get rid of.
Some scum, some trash,
Some dump, something bashed.
Something that does not feel nice.
And that feeling I want her to feel twice.
But what's really key
Is that she
Will not see
Any of it coming.
Only thus my revenge can be propperly effective.
Only thus it can be stunning
Only thus it can be perfective
At least from my perspective.
So if I manage to surprise her
It will be much nicer.
But surprise how?
That's the greatest question now.
Would it be surprise enough
If I have her handled a little rough?
Someone like her
Mother, brother, father or sister?
Someone she would never expect to diss her?
Or even better
I have to get her boss to tell her
That the results from the project she is working on
Are no longer needed
- right AFTER she is done.
Then she'll suffer pain
from all the work she has done in vain.
Or wait. No, stop.
That’s too unrealistic
I don’t know her boss
And he's not gonna give a shit if
I can have my revenge.
I will probably have to stick to my very own strengths.
Stick to what I can do alone.
Thus, it would get my very own tone.
Thus, it would get my very own spice.
And maybe then my revenge may suffice.
Our by-laws state
I can do whatever suits my place.
So it would be unwise
To relent being enticed
By a solution that does not stretch
My rights to their very edge.
That would be wasted potential,
Which in turn does not make for the greatest credential.
No, I have to go full force.

he could've should've

However, I might first have to do some chores.
This will give me new, fresh toughts.
Later that same day in the kitchen
I was still thinking about how to payback that bitch
When I watched out of the window seeing a man feeding a pidgeon.
Normally, I would just let him be.
But this time I didn't.
This time I was utterly fascinated
Looking at the men,
his bread,
and how this pidgeon ate it.
Seemingly, it was fast that word got spread
In the world of the pidgeon
about the man and his bread.
Before I could've counted to five,
The man was sorrounded like a beehive.
Ever more and more birds were coming.
From afar the scene looked nothing but stunning.
For the man with the bread, however,
it was certainly different 
- given the absence of shelter.
But once he ran out of bread
All pidgeons vanished
- just like that.
All but one which the man with the bread
Got to hold in his hand.
I could see despite all the space
That it was by scratching his face
The birds chose to show their grace.
He was bleeding a lot
Only for he was feeding that mob.
And now he was sitting there
Doing nothing but stare
And ponder the fate
Of the pidgeon in his paw,
For which he had all reason to hate.
That bird took what he had and wanted to leave
Once what he had was about to cease.
That man's gesture of generosity
Was exploited at a high velocity.
If I were him that bird would get no pitty.
But him I wasn't,
That's why I could not trust my eyes
When I saw the bird lift up into the skies.
The man with the bread let it fly free.
High up above each and every tree.
If I were him
And the man were me.
This would not have been
What he'd got to see.
I would have crushed the bird like a tin
As it deserved to be.
Exploiting goodwill,
giving nothing in return.
Means you have to pay the bill.
That's the only way we learn.
This had me occupied for the rest of the day
Why did the man not have the bird pay?
He could've, Should've,
I know that I sure would've.
I am not really buying it
The man seemed completely fine with it.
He got used and abused
For he longed to do good.
If I were in his shoes,
Letting go, were nothing I could.
I guess we are different there
And this attitude is nothing we share.
Those were the last thoughts I got to keep,
Before I fell fast asleep.
Thinking of the man with the bread sitting on a bench
Who did not give in to the urge for revenge.

can or should

Waking up the next day
My thoughts were quite astray.
That man on the bench
had my resolution entirely wrenched.
Today, it did not feel all that clear
To expose my ex to all her fear.
My demand for revenge faded
As had the man on the bench.
But why?
I need to know.
So, go find him
Is the least I could try.
Having neither breakfast nor coffee
I soared out of my bed,
out of my flat,
out of my house.
Hoping that man had already aroused.
But of course he hadn't.
After all, it was barely seven.
The sun hadn't even begun to rise and shine.
Hence, I was alone with this moral fight of mine.
Which was fine as thus I had more time
To get ready for him to arrive.
That is…if he ever did.
Because who knows
If this is the only place he roams.
So, I waited and waited.
Hour after hour.
Pondered and contemplated,
Wondered if he would ever make it.
What if he didn't?
Who would I ask then?
Luckily right this minute
Appeared that man.
“ You man,
You are the beholder of my wisdom.
I needed you hours ago.
Where have you been then? “
Realizing only with hindsight
That my thoughts might
Be quite unknown to him.
Given that they were not flowing through his
But through my mind.
As I said.
I realized that
- only with hindsight.
“ Excuse me Sir,
I don't understand.
Who do you think I am?
Why would I konw anything that you don't? “
“ I am sorry,
I will tell you the entire story.
Have no fear.
Yesterday, I saw you sitting exactly here.
I was observing through the window of my kitchen
How you were feeding that pidgeon.
At first it was just this one,
But quickly more would begin to spawn
And one would become two,
Then five,
then hundreds.
Merely in order to get
A tiny part of your bread.
You were covered in birds.
They completely blocked my sight.
Dramatic sounds could be heard
Which made me dread your plight.
But once the bread had come to ist end,
Up and beyond the sky all the birds went.
All except this one you kept in your hand.
I could see how they had scrateched your face.
I could see how they had not shown no grace.
I would have taken measures of revenge
While still sitting right on that bench.
And as the man I am here beside you
I think you would have had all the right to. “
“ Well, then this my friend
Is where we think different.
Just beacuse you can
doesn't mean you should.
And above all,
Having the right
does not equal being right.
There is a fine line which I would draw
Between judicial and moral law.
Of course, I could have killed that bird right on site.
But what would have happened after that?
What good can possibly be done
by doing something bad?
What good can possibly come
from making someone sad?
I could have hurt that bird
But what does it matter?
Wouldn't this place be better
If we all met to plant some trees
Under whose shelter
We would never expect to chant or sleep?
That is my firend
Why I let that bird go in the end. “

whaddaya think?

gimme more like dis

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