// an Ode to Idiots


I wish I had
I wish I did
If only that
If only this.
Oh all the chances that I missed
Oh all the dances that I skipped.
There's so much I should have done
So many trophies I would have won.
If, yes, if only this
And if only that
Now I'm full of regret
For I could have been the world's greatest by now
Rocking stages and crowds.
But here I am,
Sitting laid back on my couch
Debating out loud about whether
Life just gets rougher and rougher by the minute
If I am just an idiot.
For the ruthless truth is
whenever I go out,
wandering on my town's
places and pavements,
I cannot spare
the urge to compare
myself to the world's famous,
and History's greatest.
Which - most always -
has me conclude:
What they do,
I'd never be able to."
I could grieve
for days without endings
about all the things
I would never achieve.
But what if precisely this
is the root of my issue
the brutal tissue
my plight
might be made of.
What if precisely this
is my plight's medicine
saying I'm only an idiot - by comparison.
For, it doesn't matter, how much I feel smart and intelligent
compared to the brilliance of the past - I'm irrelevant.
Measured by historical standards
& cultural vanguards
I'm an idiot, a morron, an imbecile, a fool.
For I will die trying to
fill Einstein's shoes.
For I will forever keep failing
recreating Picasso's paintings.
For, if I try to produce music
it's best described by abusive.
Oh yes, the truth is
Some of my songs would've best been unsung.
Some of my deeds best been undone.
Some of my walks best been unwalked.
Some of my thoughts best been untalked.
They made me look like an idiot,
Feel like an idiot,
and long for the button for reversal,
Wish that this was just
the grand rehearsal.
But it was not.
Life's got no grand rehearsal,
no a button for reversal.
Songs cannot be unsung.
mistakes not be undone.
We are the idiot that we are.
Certainly, compared to superstars.
And at the end of the day
we can break all dismay
only knowing that whenever we go out
wandering on our town's
places and pavements
feeling like an idiot
- even if just a little bit -
it merely means, my friends,
that all we are, is different.
Being an idiot is to say:
I'm walking on unpaved ways,
surfing on unsurfed waves,
going, where no-one ever was,
making progress, no-one ever has."
Which - of course - isn't always intelligent
and can still make you look greatly stupid.
But if we want to fix, what's really relevant
we need people willing to take a few hits.
We need people
brave enough to raise their word for what matters
risking to be branded an idiot.
For they'll change the world for the better
- even if just a little bit.
We need people
who are not too scared
to do what everyone else had not dared.
Therefore, let's face it
we should all be idiots,
and embrace it.
We will get this world its redemption.
Not by intention
but because we don't know any better
So, here's to us idiots.
May we be alilve - forever.

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