// The Bridge



Excuse me,
Excuse me
For acting so ruthlessly.
Excuse me
Could you try walking on your side
I got business to attend
Actual business, unlike your pretense
I cannot afford to be late
I cannot afford to linger and while
Not today
Not anytime.
Do you need to stand here
In the middle of this bridge?
You're but in my way.
Don't you need to be someplace?
How can you afford
Just looking down at the river, dreaming
Observing how the water's streaming?
What is it that you see?
I wonder how my life would be
If only I too,
Were brave enough to break through.
Step out.
Take the time to look down,
Stare at the river streaming.
Ignore my surroundings dreaming.
What if I stopped interfering,
Let everyone go about their day
Allow myself to be free
As much as I may
Could I ever again
Feel such luxurious feelings?
Could I do it?
Is all I thought
As I enter my next meeting.


Excuse me,
Excuse me
I shan't act so ruthlessly.
Excuse me.
Yes I'll try
Walk just my side.
You sure got business to attend
Too important to relent.
Too important for me to stand in your way.
I'm already trying not to
As much as I may.
But to no avail,
All I do is fail.
Even the simplest task
Quickly turns too much to ask.
I dare to dream a bit.
Standing in the middle of this bridge.
Looking down this rivers flowing stream
The water seems cold and almost clear.
If I were one with the water
It'd end my being in everyone's way
I could have a purpose, I could leave my quarter.
Everyone could follow their day
Without me being in their way.
The dream feels warm and almost real.
What if I never awoke
Just kept my eyes closed.
Forevermore dreaming.
Could I do it?
Or is it again too much to ask
For me not to fail the task?
Is all I thought
As I looked at the river streaming.

whaddaya think?

gimme more like dis

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